Sodding Installation
All of our Varieties are available for pick up in the Big Roll or Small Roll.

Small Roll
One Small Roll measures 1.75 feet (21 inches) wide. The Roll is 5.7 feet (74 inches)
There are 10 Square Feet per Roll. The approximate weight is 15 lbs. per roll. There are 500 Square Feet on one Pallet.

Big Roll
One Big Roll measures 3.5 feet (42 inches) wide. The Roll is 100 feet long.
There are 350 Square Feet per Roll. The approximate weight is 1,200 lbs.
These Rolls require equipment to Install.
How to Measure
As always Bentley Turf Farms strives to be responsive and timely with our services. Allow us to serve you better by giving us 2-3 days notice for deliveries.
How to Choose Big Roll or Small Role:
Big Roll or Small Roll is chosen with regard to Access, Steepness, and Obstacles.
The Big Roll Machine needs an opening 7.5 feet wide or more to access an area. The loader delvering Small Roll sod needs a like size to spot the small roll in the area to be laid. If access is less than 7.5 feet wide the sod will need to be wheel-barrowed into the area by hand. Please let us know how we will access your project.
Big Roll Sod can be installed on a slope 3:1 or less. Some 2:1 slopes can be installed with Big Roll depending upon the firmness of the slope. Small Roll can be installed on a slope of 1:1 or less. If your project is sloped, please let us know the slope and compaction.
These are things like trees, flower beds and other features in the yard. Even though we may have access for the Big Roll, there can be so many obstacles that Big Roll isn't feasible.
All things being equal, always select the Big Roll if possible. The larger roll will make for fewer seams. This will improve the aesthetics? and the functionality of the erosion control.